danger2407 Statement...

14/11/2012 14:09

After 3 and half years, 11 top ten singles including 6 number one singles position in YouTube, 3 Studio album under Genuine Records. Sold over 6 million total of views around the world, and countless memories that I will forever cherish, I want to announce officially today that my youtube account 'danger2407' has been Terminated. The reason, I recieved 3rd Strike from Sony. I'm trying to Contact YouTube and Google Support to Re-open my account, but 'Re-Opening Account' is already end last September 6, 2011.

I want you to know that this is the END OF MY CAREER by making VIDEO LYRICS. Maybe I will back someday by create a new account, but that is 98% NOT SURE, 2% is SURE. But according to Westlife, 'Nothing Is Impossible'. This is HARD decision for me. I see how people who love the videos I create. I'm the only video lyrics maker who make an album like an artist. I have Singles, Albums, Company, Producers and more.

More is Please stop voting me on Top Ten Active YouTube Accounts. I want to say sorry to all my 2,086 Subscribers and the persons who know me on YouTube, specially to the person I make a Video, that is 'Marjorie'. I never imagine when I started out in 2009 that 3 and half years later I would still be remembered what i do. :) . Once again Thank You very much to all who viewed the video lyrics i create and that's all.


Have A Great Day Everyone.


Peace & Love, Darwin (danger2407)

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